Comet Chasers

If you'd like more information about our project contact Helen helen.usher @ 

Our main target at the moment is Comet 29P that just keeps outbursting!  See how our observations are contibuting to a better understanding of this object News and for extra detail 

Welcome the Comet Chasers Project!  

This project aims to use the 'Wow' factor of Space, particularly comets, to inspire children in their learning across the curriculum.  It links schools with professional and amateur astronomers, to enable them to use research grade telescopes around the world and be actively involved in astronomical research.   

Want to learn more about comets?  Try some activities at home 

This page is a portal for access to those resources developed as part of the initial phase of the Comet Chasers project which was administered by Techniquest with funding from an STFC SPARKS Award.  The resources currently available are designed for Primary School children in Years 5 and 6 (ages 9-11), but they could be adapted for different ages.  We are now excited to have more funding from STFC to add more resources, expanding into different age ranges and into other languages - particularly Welsh.  We have just completed a sub-project based around the NASA DART Mission, funded by an outreach grant from the Royal Astronomical Society. Access to the telescope facilities in the Las Cumbres Observatory network is provided through the support of the Faulkes Telescope Project

The project has a range of activities of different complexities. It is not a requirement that schools undertake all activities. Some elements are stand alone, but others rely on learning and understanding from earlier modules. We indicate where there is a prerequisite.  

We invite you to explore and download the Resources 

If you are interested in the ROTATO - lightcurve experiments with a rotating turntable - then click here.

If you have any queries or would like to be part of the project and/or sign up for the Faulkes Telescopes Project then please contact Helen Usher : or Cai Stoddard-Jones:  

Follow us on Twitter @comet_chasers or  via Faulkes Telescope Project 
